E.ON turns to Windows 365 to deliver a scalable, reliable, and modern cloud solution for flexible work | Microsoft Customer Stories
For your organization, flexibility is essential — but it often comes at the cost of IT complexity and security risks. This customer story showcases how E.ON adopted Windows 365 to deliver a scalable, secure, and reliable cloud solution for flexible work. Read E.ON's story and connect with Innovative Solutions Group, Inc. to explore how your business can benefit.
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E.ON turns to Windows 365 to deliver a scalable, reliable, and modern cloud solution for flexible work | Microsoft Customer Stories
published by Innovative Solutions Group, Inc.
ISG takes your workforce to the next level utilizing our advisory services to help design state-of-the-art conference rooms, integrate cloud services, security, collaboration and so much more, all with the purpose of enhancing your business footprint. Our goal is to connect people globally with innovative technologies and provide customized training to help companies increase end-user adoption.